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Who Dis Woman?

Who am I? As someone just being introduced to me, you may be asking yourselves this question about me.

Then there is the more profound question we direct inwardly. Who am I? How do we answer this question? I used to find myself seeking the answer from an outside/in approach. I’d list off my job titles and descriptions and the roles I fill within my family structure. My jobs have been considered unconventional or unexpected and tend to spark further interest, sure. I’ve loved the work I do and have done over the years! That enjoyment is more of a reflection of who I really am than the jobs themselves.

What if we took an inside/out approach to learning and sharing ourselves? Who am I at my core? If we were to strip away the make-up, the outfits, the job titles and degrees, even the relationships and who I am to other people, who is left? Sometimes we find ourselves disheartened by this exercise, fearing there is nothing else there. So much time, energy, and focus have been placed in these external pursuits, is there anything even LEFT if we take them away?!

I challenge you to venture deeper. Who are you when you step into a space? What vibe do we pick up when you step in? Before you even open your mouth, who do we see when met with you? Sometimes we get so caught in our own stuff, that we don’t see ourselves clearly. Our perceptions of ourselves can be skewed by our mistakes, our fears, the stories we’ve been telling ourselves for years. Will you try something? If you want to get a glimpse into yourself but find that you can’t see past the “problems” of you, ask the people who know you how they see you. Really, call up 5 people and ask them and write down the answers. Now, people are people, and depending upon how close they are to you, they may have some experiences with your shadow side or what can be referred to as your survival mechanisms and reflect some things back to you that hit you wrong. What do you do when you encounter this? Recognize it for what it is and put it in a different category. You may find yourself surprised by how you show up in your spaces to other people.

So, who am I? My name is Jayme and I am Wisdom, Joy, Radiance, Power, Grace. My purpose in life is to experience and facilitate Connection, unity within and unity amongst ourselves. In sculpting my ideal life, I seek to draw my work and relationships from this core place. My mission is to educe, to edify, and to enrich. The opportunities are endless to serve in these capacities! I have a passion for and skill with the voice and find my focus in this area through singing (opera), vocal coaching, and public speaking, for now.

I will not allow myself to be boxed in by job descriptions or limited in my relationships. When we start from the core of who we are and are in action from this space, fueled by mission and purpose, this power can be focused in any arena of our lives (career, family, health and wellbeing, finances, relationships). Where do we start to build our dream lives? Ask ourselves: Who am I and who am I being in all areas of my life?

I am honored and excited to connect with all who will join me in this mission toward women's empowerment... My goal is to connect, create new awarenesses, add value, and inspire action with every post. Through this blog, I’ll celebrate women who have challenged limits, share empowering stories, and explore ways we can break through our own barriers to become history makers in our own lives. Let's honor our inner voices, empower our speaking voices, and even free our singing voices! What am I talking about with singing?! You'll see...


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